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SafeSport Training

Please complete your SafeSport requirement through the link below:

Only one training is required per season. Please do not complete multiple trainings.



NEW SAFESPORT USER: Click on the link below and follow the instructions in the New Learner Guide to create your SafeSport Account. Then complete SafeSport Trained-NGB1.

RETURNING SAFESPORT USER: Click on the link below and login with your SafeSport login credentials. Then complete the next training in your "My Courses" Tab. Please refer to the training schedule in the Returning User Guide.

SafeSport Link:
Time Commitment: 30 minutes - 90 minutes (Core Training takes 90 minutes and Refreshers take 30 minutes.)
Need Help?: To reset your password/username, please email: or call: 435-647-2666 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm Mountain)
Turnaround Time: Please allow up to three (3) hours after completing your course for it to post to your membership account. If you do not see the update, please reach out to Member Services.