Central Alpine Division Selections
U.S. Ski & Snowboard (Scored and Non-Scored) Requests
To request access to a U.S. Ski & Snowboard races outside of the Central Division click here
Approval of Requests to those out of Central Division U.S. Ski & Snowboard races can be seen here
2022-2023 NMU MidAM Series Rankings/Results.
2024-2025 Season Criteria based on the previous seasons results.
- Based on Age Classifications established for the 2024-2025 Season in both M/F genders
- *Must be registered in a CR of the Central Division with a current year Competitor’s license to be eligible for benefits
- **Must Pass a U.S. Ski and Snowboard SQ Fitness Assessment in the current season to be eligible for benefits. Passing score is 550 for Women and 700 for Men, or above.
Who Qualifies:
All ages
- NDG Nominee
- Overall Rocky/Central Jr FIS Championships Champion from prior season
- Overall Mid-AM Series Champion from prior season
- Carruthers Cup (R/C - Central FIS Championships) Champions from prior season
- Under 35 FIS Points - in any alpine discipline (Based on the last FIS points list of the previous season)
- US Nationals Top 15
- US Nationals top 30
- Under 45 FIS Points - in any alpine discipline (Based on the last FIS points list of the previous season)
- US Jr. Nationals Top 15 in any discipline.
- US Nationals Attendee
- US Jr Nationals Attendee
- The Top 2 Overall athletes in the Central Division Mid-Am Series (at year end)
- 1 Top 5 in any discipline standing – National Age Rank (Based on the last FIS points list of the previous season)
- 2 Top 10’s in any discipline standing – National Age Rank (Based on the last FIS points list of the previous season)
1st year U18 athletes:
- 1 Top 3 in any event at the U16 National Championships from the previous season
- 1 Top 3 in any event at the U16 R/C Junior Championships from the previous season
- Top 3 Overall SkillsQuest performer at U16 Nationals
2024-2025 Central AllStar Team Nominations:
Central US Ski and Snowboard Members, please join me in congratulating our 2024-2025 Central AllStar Team Nominations. Once these athletes pass the SkillsQuest Fitness Evaluations they will receive a Team Jacket, and Entry Fees and Lift Tickets to our 2024-25 Central MidAm Series Races.
AllStar Nominations:
Aaron Grzelak Northern Michigan University
Olivia Lunseth Great Lakes Ski Academy
Katie Grzelak Win Alpine
Taylor Voigt Team Afton
Kate Reardon Team Afton
Kyan Hopke Buck Hill Ski Team
Caleb Lewandowski Grand Traverse Ski Club
Caden Burns Team Afton
Who Qualifies:
Team Central Selection Criteria
Based on Age Classifications established for the 2024-2025 Season in both M/F genders and using the previous season’s results.
*Must be registered in a region of the Central Division with a current year Competitor’s license to be eligible for benefits
**Must attend a U.S. Ski and Snowboard SQ Fitness Assessment in the current season to be eligible for benefits
- Overall Top 6 men and 6 women U12 from Central. Two athletes per gender nominated by each CR.
- Overall Top 6 men and 6 women first year U14 at Central Bob Hosking Championships
- Overall Top 4 men and 4 women second year U14 at Central Bob Hosking Championships
- Overall Top 4 men and 4 women first year U16 at Central Bob Hosking Championships
- Overall Top 2 men and 2 women second year U16 at Central Bob Hosking Championships (moved to AllStar)
- Ski-Up athletes will be ranked with the youngest YOB athlete in the age group the athlete has skied-up into.
- Foreign athletes can be named to the individual Team they would qualify for, however they do not take a quota spot from a Central/USA athlete.
2024-2025 Central AllStar Team Nominations:
2nd Year U14:
Sophia Wenberg Buck Hill Ski Team
Marlo Provencher Buck Hill Ski Team
Margot Schaffler Grand Traverse Ski Club
Sydney Kuhl Great Lakes Ski Academy
Sophie Coxon Great Lakes Ski Academy
Iris Wolter Team Gilboa
Asa Schaeppi Buck Hill Ski Team
Benjamin Jakobe Team Gilboa
Bode Bulfer Buck Hill Ski Team
Ivar Eiseman Southern Wisconsin Alpine Team
Owen Black
Adam Everson Z Racing
1st year U16:
Chloe Marti Granite Peak Ski Team
Hadley Freeberg Team Gilboa
Claire Provencher Buck Hill Ski Team
Saskia Piltingsrud Buck Hill Ski Team
Brexten Hopke Buck Hill Ski Team
Cole Peltz Buck Hill Ski Team
Liam Burns Team Afton
Kevin Kubit Southern Wisconsin Alpine Team
2nd Year U16s:
Charley Kinzer Buck Hill Ski Team
Hailey Voigt Team Afton
Piper Grillo Team Gilboa/Four Degrees Alpine Ski Team
Katherine Nowak Team Afton
Fletcher Stoen Buck Hill Ski Team
Julian Ferrales Buck Hill Ski Team
Benno Sasanfar Buck Hill Ski Team
Alber Hayek Granite Peak Ski Team
Central Division selections for the Rocky/Central U16 Jr Championships
The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Central Division has a quota of 50 athletes to the R/C U16 Junior Championships. For the 2022-2023 season, the Central Division will hold 1 qualifying series for CR1,2,3 for selections to the Rocky/Central Junior Championships, over a 3-day weekend at the Central Division Bob Hosking U16 Championships. The series will run from Friday through Sunday. Races will include 1 SG, 2 GS, 2 SL races. Combined winners will be determined using the World Cup Point System (i.e. 1st = 100pts, 2nd = 80pts, 3rd = 60 pts, 4th = 50, 5th =45 etc.). The details are in the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Competition Guide. World Cup points for the top 30 athletes will be awarded for each race, and a combination of SG rank and SG race. The first 25 athletes will qualify for Rocky/Central Jr. Championship, Vail, Colorado March 14th-18th.
If a race or day is cancelled, best 3 of 5 still applies. Best efforts to complete 1 GS and 1 SL race will take priority. 1 run races can not be used for ranking criteria.
Using the single best result will break ties. If a tie still exists, the next best result would be used, and this process will continue until the tie is broken. If a tie is still not broken, race points will be used in the same process. All eligible qualifying rankings will be considered for tie-breaking purposes.
Seeding for RC U16 Junior Championships will be TSR:
The first run will be randomly drawn. The second run will be a flip (reverse) of the first run start order. First run results will have no bearing on second run start position, including if the skier has a DNF or DSQ. In the case of two or more races in a series, the third run (start of the second race) will be a butterfly of the first run (split the field in half and run the last half first followed by the second half) and fourth run will be a reverse of the third run. A fifth run or third race will be a completely new random draw.
USSS members holding an X (foreign) license that are living & attending school in the USA and training and competing in the Central Division may qualify for the R/C Junior Championships within the Central quotas. Central will then have an additional 4 quota spots total (men & women each) for the qualified X licensees.
All eligible athletes must be full time members of the Central Division and their local Region by January 31. The full time membership names and #’s are to be reported to the Central Manager who will share with the CASC executive committee by Feb 1.
Two discretion spots per gender will be held for consideration by the Central Development Committee (consisting of the Central Coaches Chair and the four Regional Coaches Chairs). Official requests will be due 24 hours after the completion of the qualifying series. The Central Development Committee will rule on those ASAP following the 24hr deadline and report those decisions to the Central Division Manager. If there are no requests, then the 2 discretion spots will move down the list to the next ranked athletes.
The Central Division Qualifying Championships will reserve a quota of 5m/5w for Canadian athletes. They will be eligible to race, and will be apart of each race results, but will be purged for qualifying considerations and rankings to the R/C Junior Championships.
U16 National Championships
April 3rd-7th Mission Ridge, WA
U16 Athletes
1. Athletes qualified and attended the National U16 European projects. These athletes will not count toward their region's quota.
2. A ranking list will be made by adding the World Cup points of the best two results from SG, GS, and SL at the respective U16 Regional Championships. If one or more Regional Championship competitions are canceled, the ranking will be made by adding the World Cup points of the best result per event from the remaining contested competitions across SG, GS, and SL. Ties will be broken by using the single best result. If a tie still exists, the next best result would be used, and this process will continue until the tie is broken.
3. There are discretion spots available if needed. Requests for discretion must come from the Regional Directors and coaches to the Alpine Development Directors.
15 Girls and 15 boys per region from the Regional Championships ranking. Athletes who qualified and attended the National European project will not count towards their Regions quota.
Each region will have 5 spots in each seed of 15 athletes. A final seed of fewer than 15 athletes may be necessary, depending on the number of athletes. Each seed of 15 will be randomly drawn. Each Region will rank its selected athletes, including its foreign athletes, by National points in each event in order to fill the seeds.
Winter Park, CO March 5th-9th, 2024
The Rocky/Central (R/C) U14 Junior Championships will be held at Vail, Colorado. Qualification Method to the R/C U14 Junior Championships – is via the 1 Central Division qualifying weekend. The R/C U14 event brings together the top racers in Central and Rocky. Discipline and combined awards will be presented to the top ten finishers. Combined winners will be determined using the World Cup Point System (i.e. 1st = 100pts, 2nd = 80pts, 3rd = 60 pts, 4th = 50, 5th =45 etc.). The details are in the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Competition Guide. This Championship event will be used for selection to the U16 National Championships as well as U14 Can-Ams.
The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Central Division has a quota of 95 athletes to the R/C U14 Junior Championships. For the 2022-2023 season, the Central Division will hold 1 qualifying series for CR1,2,3 for selections to the Rocky/Central Junior Championships, over a 3-day weekend. The series will consist of 3 GS and 3 SL USSS non-scored races. Athletes will be selected for the R/C Junior Championships by using the combined rankings from the best three of six total races, where no more than 2 races can come from the same discipline (example: 2GS AND 1SL or 2SL AND 1 GS). Rankings per race will be determined by using a modified World Cup Points (top 45) in each race run.
If a race or day is canceled, best efforts to complete 2 GS and 2 SL race runs will take priority.
Using the single best result will break ties. If a tie still exists, the next best result would be used, and this process will continue until the tie is broken. If a tie is still not broken, race points will be used in the same process. All eligible qualifying races will be considered for tie-breaking purposes.
Seeding for the Qualifying races will run as:
- Random
- Flip of Race 1
- Inside-Out of Race 2
- Flip of Race 3
- Random
- Flip of Race 5
Central Seeding at the U14 RC Junior Championships events are based on the overall rank that the athletes qualified for the RC Junior Championships, and will be applied for all events to be contested.
U.S. Ski and Snowboard members holding an X (foreign) license that are living & attending school in the USA and training and competing in the Central Division may qualify for the R/C Junior Championships within the Central quotas. Central will then have an additional 4 quota spots total (men & women each) for the qualified X licensees.
All eligible athletes must be full time members of the Central Division and their local Region by January 31. The full-time membership names and #’s are reported to the Central Manager who will share with the CASC executive committee by Feb 1.
Two discretion spots per gender will be held for consideration by the Central Development Committee (consisting of the Central Coaches Chair and the four Regional Coaches Chairs). Official requests will be due 24 hours after the completion of the qualifying series. The Central Development Committee will rule on those ASAP following the 24hr deadline and report those decisions to the Central Division Manager. If there are no requests, then the 2 discretion spots will move down the list to the next ranked athletes.
U16 National Championships Selections from the RC U14 Junior Championships Athletes will be selected to the U16 National Championships through performance at the U16 NPS or at the U16 and U14 Rocky/Central Regional Championships.
- YOB 2008 3 men and 3 women per region from the YOB ranking
- YOB 2009 5 men and 5 women per region from the YOB ranking
- YOB 2008 and 2009 7 men and 7 women from the overall ranking
4. YOB 2010 and 2011 U14 athletes must have 1 win and another top-3 in SL, GS, and SG at the respective U14 Regional Championships to qualify
March 2024 Sugarloaf, ME
Rocky/Central quota for the event is 5 men and 5 women.
Selection: Athletes will be selected by using an ITS in the following order of the two one run Slalom's and two one run Giant Slaloms. Athletes attending the U16 National Championships will be included in the ITS and purged from the final ranking list as they are not eligible to attend both the Eastern U14 CAN AM and U16 National Championships. Athletes are seeded by their ranking order.
*Ski up athletes are not eligible to attend out of country events as they are not age eligible.
Any U14 Foreign Competitor who is a Full Time member of a USSA Rocky/Central Club may qualify for the U14 Eastern CanAm. The foreign athlete must qualify by the same qualification criteria that a U14 in the USSA Rocky/Central Region, as long as the USSA Rocky/Central Region also names a team to the Eastern CanAm. The Foreign Athlete will be an additional competitor in the CanAm, and not take a USSA Region quota spot. The Region will purge the foreign athlete from the list of qualified Regional competitors to fill their quota. A letter from the Regional Manager will be submitted to the CanAm ROC, USSA Eastern Manager and Canadian Eastern Manager confirming that the foreign athlete has met objective criteria through the Regional qualification.
The Foreign athlete will be seeded based on his/her location on the Regional qualification list.
Dates: April 11-17, 2023 Location: Whistler, CAN Events: SG, GS, SL, MTE
Purpose: To provide elite international competition exposure for first-year U16 athletes
USSS staff TBA
Club coach TBA
Three girls and three boys YOB 2008 from results at the 2023 U16 Nationals:
Best overall, ranked by the sum of the lowest 2 out 3 race points in SG, GS, and SL
Second best overall, ranked by the sum of the lowest 2 out 3 race points in SG, GS, and SL
Next lowest race points in SL or GS ● Tiebreakers:
Next-lowest race point result
- Best single event placing
If an athlete declines the invitation, selection will revert to U.S. Ski & Snowboard Staff discretion
Foreign athletes will not be considered