Cross Country National Training Group/International Junior Camp Criteria
The top development athletes in the United States below the U.S. Ski Team are named each year to the National Training Group. Nominations to the NTG are based on objective criteria based on international rankings, elite-level performances, and head-to-head competition. Every other year, in even years, NTG athletes will be invited to attend the International Junior Camp in Norway.
The selection criteria for the International Junior Camp are dictated by the hosts (Norway). In the past it has included:
-The camp is only for athletes born in a 2 year window (it will be 2001 and 2002 for the 2020 edition of the camp) with FIS point lower than 200.
-To ensure good quality sessions during the week, we invite national junior teams.
-The Norwegian junior national team will of course be present.
-With 10 athletes, minimum 4 athletes must be female athletes. If the nations come with 2 coaches, minimum 1 coach must be female.
For prior editions of the Camp we used the following objective selection criteria:
Objective selections shall be based on the results achieved by athletes in FIS Competitions are prioritized respectively as follows:
1. 1 Top 20 Women's/ 1 Top 30 Men's result at the 2016 Junior World Ski Championships
2. 1 Top 10 Women's/ 1 Top 15 Men's result in the Junior division at a SCANDO CUP or OPA CUP that has been scored to the USSA National Ranking List (NRL)
3. 1 Top 10 Women's/ 1 Top 15 Men's result at the Under-18 Nordic Nation's Cup (aka J1 Scando Cup Trip)
4. Qualify for Junior World Ski Championship
5. Qualify for Youth Olympic Games
6. Highest ranking on the USSA OVERALL National Ranking List (athletes born on or between 1999 or 2000).
7. Tie-breakers - use single lowest USSA scored race. If still a tie, then use second lowest USSA scored race - continue this process until tie is broken..
If spots remain after these objective criteria they will be filled using:
1. Lowest ranking on the FIS Distance Or Sprint World Ranking List (athletes born on or between 1999 or 2000). Tie breaker goes to the athlete with the LOWEST FIS World ranking in their strongest discipline (Distance or Sprint). The second tie-breaker goes to the athlete that has the LOWEST FIS World ranking in the weaker discipline (Distance or Sprint). The third tie breaker goes to the athlete with the lowest "Overall Ranking" on the US National Points List.
2. Athlete gender make-up will follow the Norwegian Ski Federation's minimum gender requirement (minimum 40% female athletes) & then use strength of field based on FIS World Ranking for both Distance and Sprint. A female-to male equalizer shall be used to equalize the larger depth of field for men. That equalizer with be a multiplier of 2/3 which is consistent in what we use for National Training Group and International Continental Cup selection criteria. (Example: Male ranked 500 in sprint and female ranked 400 in sprint - 500*2/3 = 333 vs 400. The male athlete would win the "gender tie-breaker."). A second tie breaker would be to compare lowest FIS ranking in the weaker discipline (distance in this example) & utilize the same 2/3 multiplier. A third tie break would use the same multiplier comparing "Overall Ranking" of U.S. National Points.
3. Alternates may be selected. Alternate criteria will maintain the Norwegian Ski Federation's minimum gender requirement (minimum 40% female athletes) & then use strength of field based on FIS World Ranking for both Distance and Sprint using the same formula as above.