First Ever 2024 Masters National Championships Held in The Central Division

And just like that, the 2024 A Racer’s Edge National Championships is a wrap! It will for sure be one to remember! This year’s nationals was hosted in the Central Division at Granite Peak Ski Area in Wausau, Wisconsin February 5-10. While initial event planning included heated tents to hedge against what can be below zero winter temperatures, we ended up with uncharacteristic above freezing temps and sun that were reminiscent of our typical late-March nationals weather. The Midwest Masters, Granite Peak Ski Team, Granite Peak Ski Area, Hilton Garden Inn and the town of Wausau pulled out all the stops. Granite Peak may have less vertical than the places we typically travel to for Nationals, but with the Exhibition race trail running nearly top to bottom, it was a great venue for the event along with the debut of the Parallel GS as the 4th event for the 2024 National Championships.
Video Recap Racer Photos More Photos Full Event Results
From the moment we checked into our hotels through to the hugs and goodbyes, the hospitality and experience were next level. The week started with SG training on Exhibition and SL and Parallel GS training on Sundance. Following training was a welcome party with an amazing buffet of food that highlighted Wisconsin classic snacks and flavors.
As seems to be the trend this season, Mother Nature threw us a curveball rendering the intended SL and Parallel GS venue unsuitable for racing on the first day of competition. After the SL inspection, it was clear that Sundance would not be safe for racing until the temperatures dropped much lower. Undeterred, the organizing committee quickly developed a plan B to run all racing on Exhibition until the final day where temperatures were expected to be colder. The main trail Exhibition, is north facing and tree lined limiting the direct daily sun on the hill and allowing it to stay in prime shape for competition. The A/B group got started as scheduled with two 2-run SG races, while C/D got to relaxing, brunch, and free-skiing. The first SG race was the 2024 A Racer’s Edge National Championship SG and the second was a bonus and part of the 2024 A Racer’s Edge National Speed Series. Both races are scored for the National Speed Series. Due to the shorter vertical drop, the SG at Granite Peak is a combined time of two runs. At 40 plus seconds a run with a 7 minute lap time on the chairlift, it was an absolute blast to get 4 runs down the SG track. As soon as the SG wrapped up, the race crew quickly setup the trail for C/D SL and off we went slapping plastic. Before transitioning to awards the organizers and team captains hashed out a plan for the following days to best utilize the Exhibition race trail until colder temperatures arrived. We then transitioned to awards at the Grand Historic Lodge restaurant at the base of the resort. The party vibe was at an all-time high as racers recapped their runs, made new friends, caught up with long-time ones, congratulated fellow competitors, and set the stage to throw down for three more days of national competition.
Rolling on with plan B, Thursday brought C/D SG in the morning with A/B SL in the afternoon. Despite the initial forecast for cloudy with rain, we were delighted with a sunny day. Not to be outdone by the welcome party, the Thursday awards party wowed us with a beautiful top floor view at the Velveteen Plum looking out toward the mountain lit up for night skiing. Rain never came until later Thursday evening with a quick shower for a little bit of natural injection for GS the next day.
Friday was GS day for all groups which would round out the events that were part of the Combined Overall Award (SG, GS, SL combined). The little bit of natural injection the night before left us with prime racing conditions for GS. Awards for GS were at the Great Dane. Though the temperatures were back to winter, the 2nd race slope would still not setup enough in time for Saturday's races. It was decided on Friday to run the parallel race for all groups on Exhibition.
2024 Overall Combined Masters National Champions
Eager to earn more points for the Division's Cup, racers geared up on Saturday for the inaugural Masters Championship Parallel GS. Racers went head-to-head within age groups A, B, C, and D which are divided as follows: age Group D Men's Classes 9-14 (ages 65+), Group C All Women, Group B Men's Classes 6-8 (ages 50-64), Group A Men's Classes 1-5 (ages 1-5). Competition was fierce in the qualifying rounds. Elimination brackets of 4 each were created for Groups C and D while Groups A/B raced in a combined bracket starting with 8 racers. With a few delays working out the kinks of the inaugural event and the extended timeline racing all groups in one day, the race wrapped up at 5pm taking full advantage of the longer hours of a resort with night skiing. Though the race was done, the party was then just getting started. Spirits were high and libations were plenty for the awards ceremony.
With a field of about 110 racers we had racers in all age classes from 1-13 for women and 1-12 for men. It was the first time in 12 years we’ve had 23 age classes represented at the National Championships! It was a first for Nationals in the Central Division and a first hosting a parallel GS as part of the event. With both getting rave reviews, it probably won't be the last for either! We're working on plans for the 2025 Nationals and will make that announcement as soon as possible!
Thanks to all the sponsors!
Special thanks to Mark Abendroth for donating the Cherry, Walnut, and Oak wood for the overall awards that were in the shape of the state of Wisconsin!