2022 Booster Summer Fun Nationals Recap

Congratulations to all the 2022 Summer Fun Nationals winners!
Message from Meri Stratton, the event organizer:
I want to thank all of you for whatever level of participation you added to ensure a very successful event. It takes everyone to make it a success. It takes a village! Thank You!
I have sent all the results, worker pictures and special winners to the webmaster to post on our website. Hopefully she can get it all posted soon. Check back often to see if it is up www.SummerFunNationals.com . Brian Robb, our photographer has all your photos ready on his site to preview and purchase. brianrobbphoto.com
How special was it to race on the West Mile! Never in any of the previous 33 years has there been enough snow to even consider racing on Mile. I believe we ended up with a total of 78 total participants. Not all participated in all events, a few just worked and there were a few minor casualties both before and during the races. However, all had a wonderful time. Racers came from all across the US and ranged in age from 13 to 84. Having that wide age spread is what the Summer Fun Nationals is all about! Ski racing is a lifelong family affair!
The weather was primo. The course sets were fabulous. The Gate Grunts were phenomenal. The snow was superb. Timberline was awesome. The parties were sumptuous. What a fantastic set of circumstances to make for the perfect event! THANK YOU ALL!!!
Now, let’s look to next summer. We are scheduling the 2023 Summer Fun Nationals for July 14-15-16, 2023. Please put it on your calendar and start making plans now. We look forward to seeing you then. Let’s have some more ski racing fun!