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David Wise 2019 World Champs

Finance Committee

Gary Pinkus, Finance Committee Chair

Steve Shafran, Finance Committee Vice Chair

Kipp Nelson, NGB Board Chairman

Keith Pennell, Investment Committee Chair

Warner Nickerson, Athlete Representative

Sadie Bjornsen Maubet, Athlete Representative

U. S. Ski & Snowboard Staff Liaisons:

Sophie Goldschmidt, President & CEO

Brooke McAffee, CAFO

The Finance Committee’s primary duties and responsibilities are to provide recommendations for budget approval, endowment draws and capital structure of the organization. The Finance Committee establishes policies and procedures not inconsistent with the Bylaws, which are approved by the Board.  The Finance Committee is a permanent standing committee. Nominations for appointment to the Finance Committee are provided to the Board by the Nomination & Governance Committee.

The Finance Committee:

  • Provides a recommendation to the Board for budget approval
  • Reviews and recommends the endowment draw to the Board of Directors
  • Reviews the capital structure of the organization – LOC, Building financing

- Revised 07/17/2024