Alpine Membership Rules
Following is a summary of the membership requirements for participation in U.S. Ski & Snowboard alpine races this season. Each participant at all levels must have an appropriate current season membership; submission of a signed Waiver and Release of Liability is not sufficient by itself.
All participants in FIS competitions must have a current FIS license. For USA athletes, those competitors must be at least 16 years old by Dec. 31 of the current season, must have a valid “Competitor” membership U16 or older, and be registered with FIS through U.S. Ski & Snowboard. Athletes who appear on the FIS list are properly registered. Short Term Memberships are not eligible for FIS participation.
All participants in scored events must have a valid “Competitor” membership or a Short Term Membership. Note: for the convenience of organizers, all membership types appear on the national points lists (except Short Term), however, “Competitor U14” and under members do not show any points (999), and are not eligible for national points. Short Term Memberships are also not eligible for national points.
All participants in U.S. Ski & Snowboard Collegiate/Scholastic events are subject to the same membership requirements as any other U.S. Ski & Snowboard Scored or Non-Scored event.
All participants must have a valid U.S. SKi & Snowboard “Competitor” membership for the appropriate age group. Short Term Memberships will not allow a competitor in the events.
Participation requires a valid U.S. Ski & Snowboard “Competitor” membership or a Short Term Membership.
All participants must have a valid U.S. Ski & Snowboard "Masters” membership or a Short Term Masters Membership. "Competitor" and "Coach" members ages 18 and older may register for a free add-on Masters membership and participant in Masters events. To participate in the Masters Regional or Masters Championships, athletes must be at least 18 years old and hold a Masters membership - a Short Term Membership is not eligible for these championship events. Masters competitions are not scored to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard points list.
U.S. Ski & Snowboard member clubs conducting introductory events which include non-members must contact U.S. Ski & Snowboard, the Park City office, in advance of their events regarding non-member participation. Short Term Memberships may be used for these events.
If there are questions regarding these requirements, please contact the U.S. Ski & Snowboard regional or divisional office serving your location or the alpine domestic department in Park City.