Rocky-Central Region Governance
The Rocky/Central Alpine Competition Committee (ACC) is the governing body for the Region. Regional selections procedures, championship events, regional development programs, and regional scheduling are designed and approved by the Rocky/Central ACC. Regional development programs are designed to assist the top athletes in the region at each age level.
Rocky/Central Handbook - 22/23
Chair - Rocky: Don Stellin
Vice-Chair Central: Torey Greenwood
James Jensen - Central
Joe Paul - Central
Skip Wipson - Central
John Manderfield - Central
Bill Slattery - Central (Honorary, non-voting)
Aldo Radamus - Rocky
Tyler Shepherd - Rocky
Torey Greenwood - Rocky
Stefan Hughes - Rocky
Brad Wall - Rocky
President: Roger Perricone
Vice-President: Kevin Ward
Treasurer: Jason Napoli
Alpine Director: Chelsea Lynch
Alpine Director: CB Bechtel
Alpine Director: Kelia Zigich
Freestyle Director: Adam Lesuer
JN Combined Director: Larry Glueck
At-Large Director: Tom Talbot
At-Large Director: Mark Godomsky
RMSRO Representative: Esther DelliQuadri
Colorado Ski Education Foundation: TBA
Colorado Ski Industry Representative: TBA
Chairman: Tyler Shepherd
Vice-Chair: Ian Dunlop
Treasurer: Kevin Hopkins
Secretary: Karen Ghent
Youth and Children: Jared Hedges
Youth Ski League: Eric Vogel
Ability: Ian Dunlop
College: MR Hostetter
Athlete Representative: Jack Reich
Athlete Representative: Katherine Irwin
Athlete Representative: Alice Duran
Southern Series: Tyler Hoyt/Eric Childers
RMSRO: Ken Gay
Parent Committee: Brian Olsen
At-Large: Brad Wall
At-Large: Karen Ghent
Chairman: Jared Hedges
YSL Committee Chair: Eric Vogel
Rob Worrell
Julie Pierce
Matt Tomasko
Southern Series Rep: Tyler Hoyt/Eric Childers
Chuck Roth
Athlete Rep: Eric Colon
YSL Rep: Jeff Maddex
Chairman: Ian Dunlop
Conditioning Committee Chair:
Ben Brown
Southern Series Rep: Tyler Hoyt/Eric Childers
Torey Greenwood
Julie Pierce
Scott Graham
Doug Elsey
Athlete Rep: Lisa Perricone
Chairman: Eric Vogel
Vice - Chair:
Age Class Chair: Jared Hedges
Age Class Rep: Chuck Roth
One vote per member Club in attendance
The Central Division Alpine Sport Committee (CASC) provides overall policy guidance to the alpine program. The committee meets at least twice annually. Each region is represented by at least one professional working coach and one athlete. Volunteers, coaches, or athletes interested in being appointed to the CASC should work through their regional committees. The CASC Chairman is named based on the nomination and vote of the CASC committee. The CASC members are:
Chairman: Don Stellin
Vice Chairman: Joe Paul
Treasurer: Tom Barnes
Region 1: Edward 'Skip' Wipson, Joe Paul, Tony Olin, Jack McNeill
Region 2: Ron Lawrence, Eric Seaborg, Joe May, Jacey Johnson
Region 3: Don Stellin, Brewster McVicker, James Jensen, Olivia Weymouth
Region 4: Dave Waller
Ex-officio: John Manderfield
At-Large: Bill Slattery
Coaches Chair: James Jensen
Officials Chair: John Manderfield
During the season, situations may occur which necessitate a policy decision. In such an instance, the executive committee, consisting of one member per region and the president, will vote on policy issues.
The Central Officials Committee is the body that will review and make decisions on officials advancements
John Manderfield
Gretchen Ransom
Brewster McVicker
Rocky/Central Alpine Competition Committee
The Rocky/Central Alpine Competition Committee meets twice a year once during the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress Spring meetings and a second time in the fall.
Rocky Mountain Division Governance
The Rocky Mountain Division meets twice a year.
Central Division Governance
The CASC board meets twice a year, Spring Meetings in April, Fall Meetings in September. Check the Calendar and link below for more info.