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Pipeline - More Information

U.S. Ski & Snowboard's "Athlete Development Pipelines" has been a cornerstone in its program design for over a decade.  During that time, pipelines were developed to illustrate how an athlete moves through the U.S. Ski & Snowboard competition system, and who is primarily responsible for the development of athletes at those different stages (clubs, divisions, U.S. Ski Team).

Athlete Pipeline Philosophy And Implementation

  • Win at every level of international competition.
  • Design a clear path for achievement in the sport of alpine ski racing.
  • Raise the level of achievement in our sport by doing a better job with content, and racer management.
  • Encourage multi-discipline athlete development opportunities.
  • Integrate the country into one system by empowering academies, clubs, programs and regions to develop athletes.
  • Identify the talented coaches and athletes in the country, develop and retain them.
  • Create an American system that provides sustained success in the sport of alpine ski racing.