U.S. National Freestyle Championships
The U.S. National Freestyle Championships brings together the top competitors from each division in moguls, dual moguls, and aerials.
Mogul and Dual Moguls
1. All U.S. Freestyle Ski Team athletes.
2. The top 16 U.S. athletes per gender from the current season (2024-25) NorAm Mogul Overall Grand Prix (The list does not change due to retirements or injury after the close of that NorAm Cup series.) who have not already qualified via criteria 1 (NOT 16 athletes in addition to criteria 1, but the athletes ranked in the top 16 per gender not already qualified through criteria 1).
3. The top 30 ranked U.S. athletes in moguls and dual moguls from the FFSP List #5 per gender per discipline after criteria #1 and #2. Additional athletes will not be invited to replace those athletes who are not FIS age eligible in the top 30, on the alternate list, excluded by their division, injured or competing in conflicting events.
4. The next five (5) U.S. athletes on the FFSP List #5 per gender per discipline that have not already qualified via criteria 2 or 3 will be named as alternates to the event. Alternates will be placed into the events in the order they are named and will be notified immediately. The alternates will only compete if any of the skiers qualified via criteria 1 and 2 do not accept their spot.
5. Divisions will be allotted one spot per gender, per discipline to be used at the divisions’ discretion. Divisions should notify the Freestyle Office (freestyle@usskiandsnowboard.org) of their allocations 48 hours after the invitation becomes valid. If the spot remains unused or divisions do not notify by the 48-hour deadline, the spot may be lost. If a division allocated athlete is invited to the event via criteria 3 as an alternate, the division will be allowed to choose a new division allocation. Divisions may not add to or change requirements for the quota spots described in this section apart from those spots designated as the divisional allocation.
6. All athletes that qualified via criteria 2-4 in one discipline and not the other discipline will be granted a start if they are ranked in the top 60 U.S. athletes on the FFSP List #6 in that discipline.
National Championships Invite List
U.S. Aerials National Championships, held each year, hosts the U.S. Aerials Ski Team and the top athletes in the performance phase of the pipeline to compete in aerials. The event format, quota and criteria will be posted on usskiandsnowboard.org.