Snowboard Sport Committee
Pursuant to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Bylaw Article VI (c), the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Snowboarding Sport Committee (SSC) works with the professional staff of U.S. Ski & Snowboard to develop plans, strategies, and policies for submission to the CEO for the development and operations of snowboarding and to assist U.S. Ski & Snowboard in the operation of the snowboarding programs.
Additionally, the committee will work:
- To contribute sport expertize leading toward the realization of the vision and mission of U.S. Ski & Snowboard in the snowboarding disciplines.
- To provide support in the identification and training of young athletes with the potential to become elite internationally qualified competitors.
- To nominate a representative to the Board of Directors.
- To support and assist the professional staff in all programs and aspects of a National athlete development plan.
The Snowboarding Sport Committee strives to represent the interests of the snowboarding community within the United States. Only current U.S. Ski & Snowboard members are eligible for election or appointment to the Snowboarding Sport Committee (with the exceptions of the seats for the USASA and Industry) and all subcommittees.
The Snowboarding Sport Committee is composed of the following members, selected without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The vote for representation to the Snowboarding Sport Committee occurs at the annual U.S. Ski & Snowboard meeting.
- A chairman, elected by the Sport Committee membership every four years
- U.S. Ski & Snowboard board representative, elected by the Sport Committee every four years
- National Team Head Coach, named by the U.S. Ski & Snowboard job position
- Six athlete representatives, from different disciplines, appointed by the SSC in conjunction with U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s Athletes’ Council
- One member from each of the seven divisional sub-committees with cumulatively three votes (see note)
- One subcommittee member from the Rules & Tech Subcommittee
- One subcommittee member from the Judges Subcommittee
- One USASA representative
- One Industry representative.
Each of the above positions is to be held for a period of two years.
(Note: The seven divisions are represented by a total of three votes distributed as follows: one vote for the Far West and PNSA division, one for the Intermountain, Rocky and Northern division, and one vote for the Central and Eastern Divisions. Each of the seven divisions maintains their representative to speak and participate as an active member of the Snowboarding Sport Committee, but share their vote with their respective counterpart. It is decided amongst the representatives who will vote at Snowboarding Sport Committee meetings.)
Executive Committee Representation
The Snowboarding Sport Committee at their annual U.S. Ski & Snowboard meeting selects an executive board that consists of the following representation:
- The Chairman of the Snowboarding Sport Committee
- The Head Coach
- One Athlete representative
- One At-large member
Snowboarding Sport Committee
Tricia Byrnes – Chairman
Ben Wisner – Far West Representative
Elijah Teeter – PNSA Representative
Rick Shampano – Intermountain Representative
Matt Voegtle – Rocky Mountain Representative
Jessica Zalusky – Central Representative
Ross Powers – Eastern & Athlete Representative
Jeremy Lepore - Judges Representative
Alex Deibold – Athlete Board Representative
Lucas Foster - Athlete Representative
Maddie Mastro - Athlete Representative
Mike Mallon – USASA Rep (non-voting)
Staff Liaison - Ashley Deibold - Snowboarding Sport Development Director / FIS Representative
Snowboarding Executive Committee
Tricia Byrnes, Lafayette, CO (Chair)
Alex Deibold, Steamboat Springs, CO (Athlete)
Rick Bower, Kamas, UT (Snowboard Sport Director)
Snowboarding Judicial Panel
Tricia Byrnes, Lafayette, CO
Rick Bower, Kamas, UT
Alex Deibold, Steamboat Springs, CO
- Revised 07/18/2024