Freeski Sport Committee
Article I -- Organization & Purpose
The name of this committee will be the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Freeski Sport Committee (FSC). The Freeski Sport Committee pursuant to U.S. Ski & Snowboard Bylaw Article VI (c), will work with the staff of U.S. Ski & Snowboard to develop plans, strategies, and policies for submission to the CEO for the development and operations of freeskiing and to assist U.S. Ski & Snowboard in the operation of the freeski programs consistent with FIS regulations, U.S. Ski & Snowboard bylaws and the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
Additionally the committee will work:
- To contribute sport expertise leading toward the realization of the vision and mission of U.S. Ski & Snowboard
- in the freeski disciplines.
- To provide support in the identification and training of young freeskiing athletes with the potential to become elite international competitors. To nominate a representative to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Board of Directors.
- Enhance public awareness and favorable perception of U.S. Ski & Snowboard and competitive freeski programs in all forms and at all levels.
- To support and assist the U.S. Ski & Snowboard staff in development and coordination of programs for competitor development keeping in mind the participation elements and athletic excellence components of the sport and aspects of a national athlete development plan.
Article II -- Government
Section 1: The Freeski Sport Committee (FSC) is comprised of and will strive to represent the interests of the freeski community within the United States. Only current U.S. Ski & Snowboard freeski members are eligible for election or appointment to the FSC and its subcommittees and/or technical working groups. Freeski Sport Committee Operating Procedures, May 15, 2016.
Section 2: The Freeski Sport Committee is comprised of the following members each with one vote, selected without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The vote for representation to the FSC will occur at the annual U.S. Ski & Snowboard meetings.
- Chair of the Freeski Sport Committee who casts his/her vote only in the case of a tie. (four-year term, with a 2-term limit)
- AFP / FIS Representative
- Divisional Representatives (7)
- Freeski Program Director
- Freeski Sport Development Manager
- Judges Representative
- Coaches Representative
- R&O Representative
- USASA Representative
- Skicross Rep
- At-large members - up to two at-large members (one two-year term, one three-year term)
- Athlete representatives – seven athlete representatives, one of which is the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Board Athlete representative, who has a four-year term.
Each of the above positions is to be held for a period of two years unless otherwise indicated.
Section 3: The Freeski Sport Committee will biennially select at the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress an executive committee that will consist of the following representation, each with vote:
- The chairperson of the Freeski Sport Committee
- Freeski Program Director
- The freeski athlete representative to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard
- Regional Representative
- At-Large Position
Section IV: The subcommittee chairs will on a biennial basis update their committee representation. Selection to the subcommittee will be based on an individual’s area of expertise in leading a specific working group. The acting subcommittee chair will provide to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard FSC the finalized listing of his/her subcommittee representatives. If the FSC chair appoints working groups, the appointed working group leaders have the assigned responsibility to form their own working group and name their representatives. The objective for each subcommittee is to work within a specific area of expertise throughout the year and to prepare formalized resolutions, which are presented for recommendation to the FSC for vote and approval.
Section V: Elections and appointments to the Freeski Sport Committee and the subcommittee are conducted biennially. Any U.S. Ski & Snowboard freeski member desiring to participate on a subcommittee should contact a current representative on the FSC or the U.S. Ski & Snowboard freeski program director. Section VI: There will be no limit on the number of terms that any, sub committee representative and/or working group member may serve.
Section VII: In the event of a midterm resignation by a FSC representative, sub committee representative, or working group member, the FSC Executive board may appoint an interim replacement until the next U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress.
Section VIII: A Freeski Sport Committee representative, sub committee representative, or working group member (with the exception of those positions held by the staff) may be removed, with or without cause, by a two-thirds vote of the entire Freeski Sport Committee. The Freeski Executive Committee may appoint an interim replacement until the next U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress.
Section IX: The Freeski Sport Committee will be responsible for the formation of a Freeski Judicial Committee consistent with the provision of Article IX of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Bylaws. The Freeski Judicial Committee will be responsible for the dispensation of judicial matters arising from protected competitions pursuant to U.S. Ski & Snowboard Bylaw Article IX if referred by the U.S. Ski & Snowboard
Judicial Committee. The Freeski Judicial Committee will be made up of three members, one of whom must be an athlete. The FSC Chairman, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will nominate a slate of candidates to the FSC then the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Board of Directors for approval. These candidates, when approved, will be responsible for exercising “due process” for freeski members in matters of complaints/ grievances/ appeals arising from cases referred to the group from the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Judicial Committee or surfacing as an appeal to a regional action.
Article III -- Meetings
Section I: The FSC will meet at least once a year, with no less than 30-days notice by the chair and held at the same time and place as the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Congress.
Section II: Additional meetings of the Freeski Sport Committee may be called at any time and for any purpose by the freeski program directors, the chair or by written request of three members of the FSC to the chair. A minimum of 30 days written notice of a special meeting will be given and specify the purpose for which the meeting is called. Action at any special meeting will be limited to considering the agenda item(s) specified in the written notice of a meeting.
Section III: All notices of meetings will include the place, date, time, and agenda of the meeting. Any notice may be given by first-class mail or by transmission by electronic means (fax or e-mail). Section IV: A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the FSC will consist of a simple majority of voting members.
Section V: All voting members of the Freeski Sport Committee are entitled to one vote only. At any meeting duly called and held, a majority of the votes cast on a question by members who are present will decide such question unless specifically provided to the contrary.
Section VI: Members of the Freeski Sport Committee may participate in a meeting of the FSC by means of a conference telephone call or similar communication method that allows all members participating to hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means constitutes presence in person at the meeting. Any action of the FSC may be taken without a formal meeting when/if all members of the FSC consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution authorizing an action.
Section VII: The chairperson in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order will decide questions of order, except in the event of a conflict between these operating procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order. In all cases, the operating procedures governing the actions of the FSC and the bylaws of U.S. Ski & Snowboard will prevail.
Section VIII: No FSC member (with the exception of members who hold their position by virtue of their position on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard staff) will receive from U.S. Ski & Snowboard any form of compensation or reimbursement of travel expenses to FSC meetings. However, the chair may request reasonable transportation and housing expenses for an athlete representative of the FSC from U.S. Ski & Snowboard.
Section IX: It is the responsibility of every FSC member and or subcommittee representative to recognize and publicly acknowledge any issues of which they may have a conflict of interest, real or perceived, and abstain from voting on any such issues.
Section X: All FSC meetings are open to U.S. Ski & Snowboard members in good standing.
Section XI: An executive closed session of the FSC may be held if approved by a majority vote of the FSC members present to discuss matters of a sensitive nature.
Section XII: U.S. Ski & Snowboard staff will be responsible for the accuracy of the minutes taken and their timely distribution to all Freeski Sport Committee members.
Article IV -- Amendments
Section I: Amendments to these operating procedures may be proposed by any member of the Freeski Sport Committee or written petition by fifty members of U.S. Ski & Snowboard in good standing. All such amendments to the procedures are subject to the approval of the FSC by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting and approval by the U.S. Ski & Snowboard board.
Section II: Proposed amendments will be presented to the freeski program director in writing at least sixty days before a meeting of the FSC and be mailed by staff to all members of the FSC at least thirty days before the next scheduled meeting of the FSC.
Section III: Proposed amendments shall be presented as follows:
1. State who is proposing the amendment(s).
2. State in writing that portion of the existing text in its entirety, inclusive of all portions, which are to be considered for change.
3. Within the text of the above statement, show any new phrases or addenda with all words to be added underlined.
4. Within the text of the above statement, show any new phrases or addenda with all words to be deleted stricken through.
5. A brief explanation of the reasons for the proposed amendment and the effect of the change, if adopted, must accompany the proposed amendment.
6. Unless withdrawn, proposed amendments prepared and circulated to all members of the Freeski Sport Committee less than thirty days in advance of a FSC meeting will automatically be placed on the agenda for action at the next meeting of the FSC, provided that there are at least thirty days before the next scheduled meeting.
Freeski Sport Committee
The Freeski Sport Committee will work in an advisory capacity with the staff of U.S. Ski & Snowboard to develop plans, strategies and policies for submission to the CEO for the development and operations of freeskiing and to assist U.S. Ski & Snowboard in the operation of the freeskiing programs, including all aspects of the freeskiing pipeline consistent with FIS regulations, U.S. Ski & Snowboard bylaws and the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act. The FSC coordinates programs for competitor development, emphasizing participation elements and athletic excellence components of the sport (i.e., quotas, schedules, etc.).
Committee Composition
The U.S. Ski & Snowboard FSC is comprised of the following members, each with one vote:
a) Chairman/BOD Representative
b) AFP / FIS Representative
c) Divisional Representatives (7)
d) Freeski Program Director
e) Freeski Sport Development Manager
f) Judges Representative
g) Coaches Representative
h) R&O Representative
i) USASA Representative
j) Skicross Representative
k) At-large members - up to two at-large members (one two-year term, one three-year term)
l) Athlete representatives – seven athlete representatives, one of which is the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Board Athlete representative, who has a four-year term.
m) Chairman of the Freeski Sport Committee - The FSC chairperson will be elected by the FSC for a term of four-years, with a 2-term limit. Once elected, the FSC chairperson may, at his/her option, retain or resign any other positions held on the FSC; casts his/her vote only in the case of a tie.
Executive Committee
The FEC shall have the power to act between FSC meetings in the administration and management of FSC affairs especially where the interests of the sport require prompt action. All such actions shall be reported as soon as practical and must be presented for approval by the FSC at its next meeting. The FEC will be comprised of four members.
- The chairperson of the Freeski Sport Committee
- Freeski Program Director
- The Freeski athlete representative to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard BOD
- Regional Representative
- At-Large Position
Ski Cross Subcommittee
The Ski Cross Subcommittee will have the following composition:
- Chair of the committee
- Athlete representative
- Coaches' representative
- Officials' representative
- At-large representative
- USASA representative
- U.S. Ski & Snowboard staff liaison
The Ski Cross Subcommittee will elect from and by its members a chair who will represent the Ski Cross Subcommittee on the FSC. The term of the chair is two years.
Job Description: Recommend rules/procedures for the development of Ski Cross events and help to define the programs that will support the athlete pipeline.
Freeski Sport Committee
Chairman/BOD Representative – Jason Arens
Divisional Representative – Far West, Ben Ryerson
Divisional Representative – PNSA, Mike Hanley
Divisional Representative – Intermountain, Chris Haslock
Divisional Representative – Rocky, Greg Rupple
Divisional Representative- Central, Martin Sundquist
Divisional Representative – East, John Kimble
Divisional Representative – Northern, TBD
Athlete B.O.D. Representative – Maggie Voisin (SS)
Athlete Representative – Hanna Faulhaber (HP)
Athlete Representative - Mac Forehand (BA)
Athlete Representative - Hunter Hess (At-Large)
Athlete Representative - Grace Henderson (At-Large)
Athlete Representative - Tristan Fienberg (At-Large)
Coaches Representative – Keith Shipman
USASA Representative – Mike Mallon
At-Large – Dan Shuffleton
Staff Liaisons
Freeski Sport Development Director / FIS Representative – Ashley Deibold
Freeski Sport Director – Skogen Sprang
Freeski Executive Committee
Jason Arens – Chair
Skogen Sprang – Freeski Director
Maggie Voisin – Athlete Rep
Dan Shuffleton – At Large
Freeski Judicial Panel
Jason Arens – Chair
Maggie Voisin– Athlete Rep
Dan Shuffleton – At Large
Ski Cross Committee
Chairperson - Gillian Esson
Athlete representative - TBD
Officials' representative - Jeff Lange
Coaches' representative - Morgan Haymans
At-Large representative - Todd Johnson
USASA representative (non-voting) - Mike Mallon
U.S. Ski & Snowboard Staff Liaison - Ashley Deibold
- Revised 07/18/2024