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Halvorsen Featured In Health Magazine's Celebrity Deep Dives Series

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
March, 17 2021
Hannah Halvorsen

Davis U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athlete Hannah Halvorsen is featured in Health Magazine's Celebrity Deep Dives series, placing her alongside celebrities such as Mindy Kaling, Leanne Rimes, Alex Morgan, and Katie Couric to have been featured in this series. 

As an Olympic-level athlete Halvorsen, 23 was used to being "on" all the time. "It's not in my nature to be patient. I ski race—I'm always trying to go fast," Halvorsen tells Health.

But all of this changed after a tragic accident in November 2019. "It was a totally normal day. In a few weeks, I was leaving for the race season. I'd gone training that morning," Halvorsen says, recalling the day her life changed. "It was my boyfriend's birthday. We were in downtown Anchorage. When we were crossing the street at around 7 pm, someone turned left without looking in the crosswalk and took me out around what the police estimate was 25 miles per hour."

In the series, Halvorsen discusses how she learned to set small goals during a long recovery process.

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