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Due to ongoing developments of COVID-19, the September FIS Masters races and training camp in South America are officially canceled for 2020. There are many masters training opportunities scheduled for the fall. Many fill up fast so be sure to register early.
We are sad to share the news that we lost a beloved member of our masters community. Bill McCollom (New England Masters, M10) passed away on June 28th unexpectedly from a heart condition. Among many things he did, Bill supported the masters as Eastern Division chair for almost three decades.
  We are sad to report that the 2020 event must be canceled. The restrictions currently in place for COVID-19 do not for allow for a large race event. A big thank you to Meri Stratton for all her work on planning this year's event and for the past 31 years.
Each year, the Masters hold Eastern and Western Regional Champions to bring together people from different race series. It's a opportunity to race against a larger field of competitors and see how you stack up.  
The 2020 Phillips 66 National Speed Series overall champions are the top competitors in the overall group rankings for each of the Group A/B  (age 18-64) men, Group C women, and Group D (age 65+) men based on total world cup points accumulated in the all races of the series.
Did you know U.S. Ski & Snowboard Masters have the Opportunity to chase those stunning crystal FIS Globes on the FIS Masters Cup circuit? If you didn't you do now. Want one?!?!?!